Ferdinand Fobel opened Nutana Bakery in 1951, alongside his wife, after purchasing the property in 1950. Prior to their bakery's establishment, the land had been occupied by a house owned by John Milden from approximately 1915 to 1945, until his passing, after which his wife resided there until her demise in 1947. In 1947, John Cogan acquired the property, subsequently selling it to the Fobels in 1950. Twenty-two years later, the business transitioned to Ed and Vera Fobel, who, as son and daughter-in-law, managed it for 34 years until passing it on to their son Brennan in 2007. The Fobel family's purchase of the Nutana Bakery property was solely to establish a bakery, a decision rooted in Ed Fobel's fond childhood memories associated with the bakery. He recalls gathering with friends in the basement on Saturday nights during high school, playing card games using a penny jar, and indulging in day-old pastries leftover from Friday, which the bakery wouldn't sell on Monday to ensure freshness.